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The physical basis of step pinning.

The growth of crystals from solution is a fundamental process of relevance to such diverse areas as X-ray-diffraction structural determination and the role of mineralization in living organisms. A key factor determining the dynamics of crystallization is the effect of impurities on step growth. For over fifty years, all discussions of impurity-step interaction have been framed in the context of the Cabrera–Vermilyea (CV) model for step blocking, which has nevertheless proven difficult to validate experimentally. Here we report on extensive computer simulations which clearly falsify the CV model, suggesting a more complex picture. While reducing to the CV result in certain limits, our approach is more widely applicable, encompassing non-trivial impurity-crystal interactions, mobile impurities and negative growth, among others.

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2-variable extension of classical nucleation theory.

A two-variable stochastic model for diffusion-limited nucleation is developed using a formalism derived from fluctuating hydrodynamics. The model is a direct generalization of the standard Classical Nucleation Theory. The nucleation rate and pathway are calculated in the weak-noise approximation and are shown to be in good agreement with direct numerical simulations for the weak-solution/strong-solution transition in globular proteins. We find that Classical Nucleation Theory underestimates the time needed for the formation of a critical cluster by two orders of magnitude and that this discrepancy is due to the more complex dynamics of the two variable model and not, as often is assumed, a result of errors in the estimation of the free energy barrier.

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Observing classical nucleation theory at work by monitoring phase transitions with molecular precision.

It is widely accepted that many phase transitions do not follow nucleation pathways as envisaged by the classical nucleation theory. Many substances can traverse intermediate states before arriving at the stable phase. The apparent ubiquity of multi-step nucleation has made the inverse question relevant: does multistep nucleation always dominate single-step pathways? Here we provide an explicit example of the classical nucleation mechanism for a system known to exhibit the characteristics of multi-step nucleation. Molecular resolution atomic force microscopy imaging of the two-dimensional nucleation of the protein glucose isomerase demonstrates that the interior of subcritical clusters is in the same state as the crystalline bulk phase. Our data show that despite having all the characteristics typically associated with rich phase behaviour, glucose isomerase 2D crystals are formed classically. These observations illustrate the resurfacing importance of the classical nucleation theory by re-validating some of the key assumptions that have been recently questioned…

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Mesoscopic Impurities Expose a Nucleation-Limited Regime of Crystal Growth

Nanoscale self-assembly is naturally subject to impediments at the nanoscale. The recently developed ability to follow processes at the molecular level forces us to resolve older, coarse-grained concepts in terms of their molecular mechanisms. In this Letter, we highlight one such example. We present evidence based on experimental and simulation data that one of the cornerstones of crystal growth theory, the Cabrera-Vermilyea model of step advancement in the presence of impurities, is based on incomplete physics. We demonstrate that the piercing of an impurity fence by elementary steps is not solely determined by the Gibbs-Thomson effect, as assumed by Cabrera-Vermilyea. Our data show that for conditions leading up to growth cessation, step retardation is dominated by the formation of critically sized fluctuations. The growth recovery of steps is counter to what is typically assumed, not instantaneous. Our observations on mesoscopic impurities for lysozyme expose a nucleation-dominated regime of growth that has not been hitherto considered, where the system alternates between zero and near-pure velocity. The time spent by the system in arrest is the nucleation induction time required for the step to amass a supercritical fluctuation that pierces the impurity fence.

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Step Crowding Effects Dampen the Stochasticity of Crystal Growth Kinetics

Crystals grow by laying down new layers of material which can either correspond in size to the height of one unit cell (elementary steps) or multiple unit cells (macrosteps). Surprisingly, experiments have shown that macrosteps can grow under conditions of low supersaturation and high impurity density such that elementary step growth is completely arrested. We use atomistic simulations to show that this is due to two effects: the fact that the additional layers bias fluctuations in the position of the bottom layer towards growth and by a transition, as step height increases, from a 2D to a 3D nucleation mechanism. This article was featured in Physics News and Commentary: see the Synopsis: Growing Crystals in Macrosteps

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Solute particle near a nanopore: influence of size and surface properties on the solvent-mediated forces

Nanoscopic pores are used in various systems to attract nanoparticles. In general the behaviour is a result of two types of interactions: the material specific affinity and the solvent-mediated influence also called the depletion force. The latter is more universal but also much more complex to understand since it requires modeling both the nanoparticle and the solvent. Here, we employed classical density functional theory to determine the forces acting on a nanoparticle near a nanoscopic pore as a function of its hydrophobicity and its size. A simple capillary model is constructed to predict those depletion forces for various surface properties. For a nanoscopic pore, complexity arises from both the specific geometry and the fact that hydrophobic pores are not necessarily filled with liquid. Taking all of these effects into account and including electrostatic effects, we establish a phase diagram describing the entrance and the rejection of the nanoparticle from the pore.

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Lattice induced crystallization of nanodroplets: the role of finite-size effects and substrate properties in controlling polymorphism

Targeting specific technological applications requires the control of nanoparticle properties, especially the crystalline polymorph. Freezing a nanodroplet deposited on a solid substrate leads to the formation of crystalline structures. We study the inherent mechanisms underlying this general phenomenon by means of molecular dynamics simulations. Our work shows that different crystal structures can be selected by finely tuning the solid substrate lattice parameter. Indeed, while for our system, face-centered cubic is usually the most preponderant structure, the growth of two distinct polymorphs, hexagonal centered packing and body-centered cubic, was also observed even when the solid substrate was face-centered cubic. Finally, we also demonstrated that the growth of hexagonal centered packing is conditioned by the appearance of large enough body-centered cubic clusters thus suggesting the presence of a cross-nucleation pathway. Our results provide insights into the impact of nanoscale effects and solid substrate properties towards the growth of polymorphic nanomaterials.

Mineral Growth beyond the Limits of Impurity Poisoning

More often than not, minerals formed in nature are grown at low supersaturation and from sources that are impure with respect to the crystals’ main building blocks. Quite paradoxically, these conditions are in conflict with the established crystal growth theories that focus on the interplay between the crystal interface and impurities that are present in the growth medium. These theories predict a kinetic dead zone for the cases where low purity is combined with weak driving forces. Hints toward reconciling this apparent disparity have been given by the observation that a specific class of steps, so-called macrosteps, can circumvent the debilitating kinetic effects of impurities in ways that up until now are poorly understood. In this contribution, we examine the mechanism of crystal growth by means of kinetic Monte Carlo simulation at conditions close to impurity-induced kinetic arrest. In agreement with previous reports, we show that as a result of impurity binding to the crystal surface, steps spontaneously group into bunches and later condense into macrosteps. A kinetic analysis demonstrates that these macrosteps are able to evade crystal growth cessation under conditions where single steps are firmly pinned. We identify the mechanism of interstep cooperativity which leads to cessation evasion by macrosteps and demonstrate that it applies to a range of supersaturation and impurity concentration values. On the basis of these findings, we present a model that explains how minerals can grow from mother liquor solutions that would otherwise seem to be nonconducive to crystal growth.

Classical density functional theory, unconstrained crystallization, and polymorphic behavior

While in principle, classical density functional theory (cDFT) should be a powerful tool for the study of crystallization, in practice this has not so far been the case. Progress has been hampered by technical problems which have plagued the study of the crystalline systems using the most sophisticated fundamental measure theory models. In this paper, the reasons for the difficulties are examined and it is proposed that the tensor functionals currently favored are in fact numerically unstable. By reverting to an older, more heuristic model it is shown that all of the technical difficulties are eliminated. Application to a Lennard-Jones fluid results in a demonstration of power of cDFT to describe crystallization in a highly inhomogeneous system. First, we show that droplets attached to a slightly hydrophobic wall crystallize spontaneously upon being quenched. The resulting crystallites are clearly faceted structures and are predominantly HCP structures. In contrast, droplets in a fully periodic calculational cell remain stable to lower temperatures and eventually show the same spontaneous localization of the density into “atoms” but in an amorphous structure having many of the structural characteristics of a glass. A small change of the protocol leads, at the same temperature, to the formation of crystals, this time with the fcc structure typical of bulk Lennard-Jones solids. The fcc crystals have lower free energy than the amorphous structures which in turn are more stable than the liquid droplets. It is demonstrated that as the temperature is raised, the free energy differences between the structures decrease until the solid clusters become less stable than the liquid droplets and spontaneously melt. The presence of energy barriers separating the various structures is therefore clearly demonstrated.X

How crystals form: A theory of nucleation pathways

Recent advances in classical density functional theory are combined with stochastic process theory and rare event techniques to formulate a theoretical description of nucleation, including crystallization, that can predict nonclassical nucleation pathways based on no input other than the interaction potential of the particles making up the system. The theory is formulated directly in terms of the density field, thus forgoing the need to define collective variables. It is illustrated by application to diffusion-limited nucleation of macromolecules in solution for both liquid-liquid separation and crystallization. Both involve nonclassical pathways with crystallization, in particular, proceeding by a two-step mechanism consisting of the formation of a dense-solution droplet followed by ordering originating at the core of the droplet. Furthermore, during the ordering, the free-energy surface shows shallow minima associated with the freezing of liquid into solid shells, which may shed light on the widely observed metastability of nanoscale clusters.

Antagonistic cooperativity between crystal growth modifiers

Ubiquitous processes in nature and the industry exploit crystallization from multicomponent environments1,2,3,4,5; however, laboratory efforts have focused on the crystallization of pure solutes6,7 and the effects of single growth modifiers8,9. Here we examine the molecular mechanisms employed by pairs of inhibitors in blocking the crystallization of haematin, which is a model organic compound with relevance to the physiology of malaria parasites10,11. We use a combination of scanning probe microscopy and molecular modelling to demonstrate that inhibitor pairs, whose constituents adopt distinct mechanisms of haematin growth inhibition, kink blocking and step pinning12,13, exhibit both synergistic and antagonistic cooperativity depending on the inhibitor combination and applied concentrations. Synergism between two crystal growth modifiers is expected, but the antagonistic cooperativity of haematin inhibitors is not reflected in current crystal growth models. We demonstrate that kink blockers reduce the line tension of step edges, which facilitates both the nucleation of crystal layers and step propagation through the gates created by step pinners. The molecular viewpoint on cooperativity between crystallization modifiers provides guidance on the pairing of modifiers in the synthesis of crystalline materials. The proposed mechanisms indicate strategies to understand and control crystallization in both natural and engineered systems, which occurs in complex multicomponent media1,2,3,8,9. In a broader context, our results highlight the complexity of crystal–modifier interactions mediated by the structure and dynamics of the crystal interface.

Crystal Polymorphism Induced by Surface Tension

We use classical density functional theory (cDFT) to calculate fluid-solid surface tensions for fcc and bcc crystals formed by hard spheres and Lennard-Jones (LJ) particles. For hard spheres, our results show that the recently introduced “explicitly stable” functionals perform as well as the state of the art, and for both interaction potentials, our results compare well to simulation. We use the resulting bulk and interfacial energies for LJ to parametrize a capillary model for the free energy of small solid clusters and thereby determine the relative stability of bcc and fcc LJ clusters. We show a crossover from bcc to fcc stability as cluster size increases, thus providing insight into long-standing tension between simulation results and theoretical expectations. We also confirm that the bcc phase in contact with a vapor is unstable, thus extending earlier zero-temperature results. Our Letter demonstrates the potential of cDFT as an important tool in understanding crystallization and polymorphism.


[127] COLIS: an advanced light scattering apparatus for investigating the structure and dynamics of soft matter onboard the International Space Station

Colloidal Solids (COLIS) is a state-of-the-art light scattering setup developed for experiments onboard the International Space Station (ISS).

Alessandro Martinelli and Stefano Buzzaccaro and Quentin Galand and Juliette Behra and Niel Segers and Erik Leussink and Yadvender Singh Dhillon and Dominique Maes and James Lutsko and Roberto Piazza and Luca Cipelletti, arXiv:2409.01189
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PHYSF475 Nanophysique

Masters II, Physics, ULB, ULB, Campus Plaine, Bat. NO, 2023


Practique: 10-12h Vendredi NO 707
Theory: 12-14h Vendredi N4 117